“Red Venus,” created through the RAFiott X ARC collaboration for EuroPRIDE 2023, is inspired by the significance of the colour red within the Pride flag. Though not included in the final collection of six designs, this artwork was selected by the Malta Community of Illustrators [MCOI] for inclusion in the 2023 Malta Illustration Annual.
Rooted in Maltese culture, the piece explores the deep historical and symbolic layers associated with red, which symbolises life in the Pride flag. It draws inspiration from Malta’s neolithic period, specifically the iconic figure known as the Fat Lady of Malta. Revered as a goddess of fertility, she is likened to the Venus of Willendorf and Venus of Renancourt II, and hence named “Red Venus” by the artist.
The artwork features this ancient goddess, inspired by a sculpture from the Tarxien Temples, indulging in a traditional Maltese pastizz and a local orange-flavoured soft drink. Despite the absence of a head, her presence is powerful and evocative. A red ribbon, symbolising medical advancements that have transformed HIV into a manageable condition, is prominently featured. The background of wavy rainbow colours represents the dream of a truly inclusive Mediterranean region.
“Red Venus” is available on Mugs, Tee-shirts, Tote Bags and Art Prints, making it a perfect addition for those looking to celebrate both Maltese heritage and Pride.
The rest of the EuroPRIDE 2023 Collection. Brought to you by the RAFiott X ARC Collaboration.