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TABÙ Collection
╼ Art & Design by Ramon Azzopardi Fiott ╾
╼ Art & Design by Ramon Azzopardi Fiott ╾

L-Ewwel Ma Tiekol L-Għajn Collection
L-Ewwel Ma Tiekol L-Għajn Collection
TABÙ Collection
TABÙ Collection
Ferro Battuto | RAFiott Collection
Ferro Battuto | RAFiott Collection
MeliTENSION Collection
MeliTENSION Collection
Epokaliss Collection
Epokaliss Collection
TABÙ Collection
The TABÙ series reimagines traditional Maltese patterned tiles with a cheeky twist, celebrating local aesthetics and sexuality. While Maltese culture can be conservative, at its core, love, joy, and acceptance prevail. Each design draws from authentic tile patterns, subtly updated to stay tasteful—even when nanna’s around. This collection challenges norms, honours the trans community, and blends tradition with contemporary values in a playful yet respectful way.Browse the artworks of the collection in RAFiott Portfolio.
TABÙ Collection
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