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MeliTENSION Collection

╼ Art & Design by Ramon Azzopardi Fiott ╾

╼ Art & Design by Ramon Azzopardi Fiott ╾

L-Ewwel Ma Tiekol L-Għajn Collection
L-Ewwel Ma Tiekol L-Għajn Collection
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TABÙ Collection
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Ferro Battuto | RAFiott Collection
MeliTENSION Collection
MeliTENSION Collection
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Epokaliss Collection
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MeliTENSION Collection

by Ramon Azzopardi Fiott [RAFIott]

The MeliTENSION Collection explores the complex and often surreal relationship between the artist and Malta. This series includes a variety of art and design items, from limited edition fine art prints to everyday objects like mugs, each piece highlighting the unique tension and beauty of contemporary Maltese life. The digital paintings debuted at the MUŻA fine arts gallery in Valletta in 2022 and have since been featured Read More internationally.

The collection's name, "MeliTENSION", combines Malta’s ancient name "Melite" with "tension," reflecting the paradox of living in a country known for its architectural splendours and flaws, where love and judgement coexist. RAFiott's work captures this duality, offering a thought-provoking visual experience. Read about the original MeliTENSION Exhibition here.

The MeliTENSION Collection is available for purchase with free shipping to the EU and UK.

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