Balcon-être Miniature Fine Art

Balcon-être | MINI Fine Art Print


Balcon-être | MINI Fine Art Print by RAFiott is a  limited edition giclée print showcased at exhibitions in Valletta & Madrid. This vivid piece captures a traditional balcony adorned with Moorish elements, suspended against a Maltese sunset. Central to the artwork are the balcony’s eyes, drawing inspiration from the protective symbols found in Mediterranean culture, particularly the iconic luzzu eyes. “Balcón-être” evokes senses of resignation and sorrow at the destruction of its kind for greed. The artwork encapsulates Malta’s distinct identity, blending regional aesthetics and highlighting often-overlooked Arabic influences in both language and architecture.

For art enthusiasts seeking a more accessible option than MeliTENSION’s Deluxe Series* which debuted at the Maltese National Fine Arts Gallery – MUŻA. RAFiott is delighted to offer the MINI Print Series. With a larger run of 100 prints, it provides a fantastic opportunity to enjoy and own a piece of this vibrant artwork at a more affordable price. Each print maintains high-quality reproduction and captures the essence of the original piece, making it a wonderful addition to any collection. While this edition comes with less extensive certification compared to the deluxe version, it offers great value and accessibility, perfect for those still starting their art collection.

For a more immersive experience, consider the Balcon-être | Deluxe Fine Art Print. This larger format edition provides a deeper engagement with the intricate details and themes of the artwork. Thus, it’s perfect for connoisseurs and dedicated collectors.

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the Balcón-être | MINI Fine Art Print offers a humble yet profound touch of Maltese culture to your space. If you’re seeking a more expansive artistic experience, the *Deluxe Series is an excellent choice.

See all Balcón-être Design Products here.


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